A Little Bit About Myself

Jason Yang
3 min readMar 23, 2022
Photo by Sourabh Panari on Unsplash

This post will be a little personal, because I don’t share about myself very often. And I’m still trying to get to know myself better, so there’s a big chance that things are gonna change. But here we go.


I’ve been thinking for the past the past few years, and I can proudly I haven’t found it yet. Why? Because I do think that it’s still too naive to say what’s my purpose in my current stage of life.

But what I can say is, I want it to be meaningful and I want to leave a legacy to this world.


I’m the person who just can’t stick to things way too long. So my passion changes time to time.

But it is a good thing. It makes me curious. It makes me explore more things. I don’t stick to one or two things, and that’s it.

But there’s one thing that always sticks to me, it’s learning. I love to make myself knowledgeable in a lot of different topics. Sometimes I like to learn a little music, sometimes I like history, sometimes I like math. There’s tons of things to learn in this world.


In the future, I want to see myself working in a job that I enjoy. Because I think if I enjoy it, it’ll be less painful to persevere.

I’d also like to see myself being active until the end of my lifetime. Retiring and doing nothing will get boring very quick. I actually do not plan to retire, if I really enjoy my job. But if I retire, I’ll start a new thing to keep me active.

And I want to spend more time with my family. Even if one day I work in a job where it requires me to move out from my family house, I’ll go back one in a while. Time is limited and people age, so I want take the time while it lasts.


At the moment, I want to do my best at my GenerasiGIGIH program. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to maximize my learning. And if I’m fortunate to get the internship, I’ll work my hardest to get it converted to full-time job.

And I’m currently working on a compulsory project at my university. I want to finish it on time so I can work on my thesis. I’ll also work on thesis, so I can graduate on time.

After that, I’ll focus myself immediately on preparing myself to find a job. I don’t want to have a gap between graduating and finding a job, because I want to keep the momentum going. I feel like if I have a huge gap, it’ll make me depressed. And if I get depressed, it’ll make the situation worse and it’ll be harder to get myself motivated to keep trying.


The reason why I use a sprout photo as the title image is to symbolize myself as a person that is still a novice, but has lots of room to grow. I believe that I have the potential to be better I’m currently am, and I’ll work on it.

And for the past few years, I try to understand people more. I used to be a self-centered person (probably still am, but not as much as I used to). I want to improve my empathy, because I think if I understand people more, I’ll be able to build a deeper relationship.

I apologize if this is way too philosophical. If I talk about myself, it usually leads to philosophical stuff. Anyway, have a good day.


